Busy seasons that keep them away from their families and homes for hours at a time, days, weeks, even months on end. If you have ever spent time with anyone involved in agriculture, you most likely know that its easy to tell when these times roll around. How? Well, the family unit suddenly looks a little different. The farmer, in our case "daddy", disappears. Daily duties get done a bit differently.
Some common busy time activities are as follows: kids might be taken out to the field or tractor to share a meal. Wives/girlfriends might take themselves to the field for some much needed "date" time with their favorite man. (Yes, you can have a date in a tractor!) Many times a group of us, "farm widows" will get together to commiserate. Talk about how much we love our hard working men, but how much we hate that they are so absent at home sometimes.
This is where my truth comes in. See, I have had many pitty parties with myself. A few with fellow farm-wife/moms. But many, countless even, with myself. Thinking of how much I love our life, but why does he have to be gone so often? Is it possible for this man to so love his "job" that he sacrifices time with his family? And yes, I even travel down the path of what is wrong with me that he would rather be out working. 16+ hours a day, seven days a week, for months at a whack then be home. My head knows that this man loves us so much that he is willing to sacrifice some time to build a strong, solid life for us. He loves his kids so much that he is willing to work tirelessly so that they will have the opportunity to farm on their own one day, if they choose. He loves the land and the bounty of its harvest. This man has spent hours caring for the soil, plants, and trees so that they might give back to many.
My heart is, however, selfish and just wants her husband around. A date to go to the parties with, someone to help wrangle cranky kids or just help with bedtime routines.
Clearly, my head wins on the Pros/Cons list. Sadly, my heart can't help but scream a little louder than my head.
Okay, well that was a bit more truth then I had expected. So here is where I intended that to go.
We will call it truth #2. My ta-da moment came from a simple facebook post.
I have spent lots of time thinking that I, we (farmers wives) were the only ones that get left in the lurch. That turn into widows of a trade. That is, until I read a facebook post. Posted by a friend from high school. Her one post about her love/hate relationship with football made me realize how selfish I have been. Her husband is a coach. My ta-da moment... So many people have busy seasons. Times when they are pulled from their families for their job. So I want to know, what's the busy season in your house? Do you have a certain time of year when your heart is screaming over your head? How do you get through it? Do you have one fool proof remedy to pull yourself out the busy season funk?