Monday, February 10, 2014

STOMP! Let's Beat This.

In this day and age, I'm fairly confident that most of us have been touched by cancer. In one form or another, we have all cried, rejoiced, hugged, fought, and prayed in the name of cancer. That ugly "C" word has crept into your life through dear friends, family, or even personally. However it has affected your life. Whatever the outcome, we all have one thing in common.  When it comes to this dreadful disease, Cancer SUCKS, and we all hate it!
As for me, I have had enough of this nastiness. 7 years ago I lost my beautiful birth mother to Pancreatic Cancer. 
This is Pat, Pat meet world. I only" knew" her for about 7 years, but the gifts she gave me are endless. 
Love you Mom.

The next year, I lost my Grandpa. (sorry I don't have a digital image. Ill have to work on that) 
So why, you ask, am I writing a blog post about this. Well...I'll tell you. 
First, there is another person in my life who is battling. Second, I am tired of loosing. 
Most importantly the first reason. She battles daily, with all her heart, mind, soul, faith, love and strength. This battle has been on-going for the last 9+ years. Her name is Paula Takacs, and she is my cousin's wife. She might as well be a cousin herself. I love this woman like she was born into our family. 
Hi Paula!
Paula is battling Sarcoma. A very rare form of cancer for the adult body. As such, this type of cancer needs all the recognition and funding it can get. 
Paula has taken this battle by the horns. She has been through hell and back, but it has not stopped her. You can read more of her journey here
Three short years ago she founded The Paula Takacs Foundation. The foundation then started The Sarcoma Stomp ( A 5K fun run/walk for Sarcoma awareness. In three years they raised over $200 Thousand for Sarcoma research. Yes, I said $200K!!!!!! An awesome feat!  Amazing job thanks to all the community, businesses, friends, and family that surround Paula. 
My son and I had the pleasure of traveling to the first Stomp. (I felt so great being there, it was on my birthday) 

Jonathon with his very first "race" shirt. 

Paula with Jonathon and her son Gray. I love this picture.

Paula, Geof and Gray.

Sadly, this year the Foundation is unable to hold their annual "Stomp". The park is closed for renovations and this year has brought about extremely difficult health challenges for this very courageous woman. 
Because the stomp is unable to happen this year, there has been a Facebook page set up in Paula's honor.
This page is dedicated to getting out and walking or running along with a thought or prayer for Paula and/or all those affected by Sarcoma. 
While there is not a dedicated date, place and time. Please pick one for yourself, like the page and post a picture of you walking in the name of Sarcoma. Take the first sunny day in your area. Grab a couple of friends & a cup of joe. Use the opportunity to chat and catch up. If not for Paula and all those on this same journey, do it for you. For your health and well-being.  On second thought, ditch the coffee and use the money you saved as a donation ;). Donate here
So why this post now? Well, this week we celebrate Valentine's Day. A day to honor our loved ones. The 14th also happens to be Paula's Birthday. 
Lets do this. Like the page, Honor the people, Go for a walk, & Donate if you can.. It doesn't have to be this week or even this month. Whenever you  thaw out, dry up, or chill out works for us. Just Do, please. 
 Thank you. Looking forward to all those "boots were made for walking" images coming to the FB page soon. 
one last note: Do to the rare form of this cancer, The American Cancer Society is not able to contribute to the research.