Unlike most 9-5 jobs, farmers don't/can't always have a set working schedule. Some times of year simply include daily chores and making sure all is well. However, there two times of year, harvest and spring work, when a farmer and his family just know that their beloved family member will simply not be around. It is during these times when you have to take the family to the field to get some daddy time. Admittedly, this was one of the hardest adjustments for me as I tried to settle into my new marriage and then mommy life. Yesterday, was one of those go find daddy days, bring him some lunch, and take a tractor ride
Not sure what he was more excited about. Seeing daddy or the tractor. Either way
it was just one of those "all is right with the world" feelings.
After the tractor ride we found a nice shady spot under an almond tree to enjoy some lunch.
It was a great way to spend some time with dad.