Sunday, October 13, 2013

So here we are again.

I guess I am not so good at this blogging thing. I must apologize. After another very long blogging hiatus, I have been "gently nudged" by a few friends to pick up where I started. I have also been inspired by a social media friend whose very awesome, spot-on blog post just went viral! Check out

I suppose I am worried that what I have to share won't be of interest to you all. I guess, in the end I should just say whoever wants to read will and the rest doesn't matter! So here we go again.

There's some very exciting stuff in the works for this countrified city girl. Stay tuned until Tomorrow.
In the meantime, lets say a prayer for our hard working, tired farmers. Harvest has been a rough one this year. There is light at the end of the tunnel.

Here's a shot of what one part of rice harvest looks like. This is the combine emptying into the bankout. The bankout then takes the rice to the trailers. This process allows the combine to keep moving!
Until next time friends!

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